Saint Lucia joins the rest of the global community in celebration of World Biodiversity Day on Thursday May 22. "Island Biodiversity” is the theme for this year’s International Day of Biodiversity which aims to raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity for islands and the need for island states to sustainably manage their resources.
To raise awareness here in Saint Lucia the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology will host three commemorative activities.
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The consultation was held on Monday October 21,2013 and received support from a broad cross section of society including representatives of faith based organizations, supermarket retailers, farmers, healthcare practitioners, educators, scientists, environmentalists and government officials.
Participants reviewed government's draft policy and legislation on biosafety, with a view to exchanging ideas and providing recommendations, to help ensure that Saint Lucia has strong biosafety legislation. Such a consultative process is vital in light of the importance of biosafety to the increasing use of modern biotechnology in development and trade.