Thursday, February 13, 2025

Biodiversity Resources

We are all biodiversity users in one form or the other but have not learnt to appreciate the existing relationship between us and the environment.  It is rather difficult to think of anything in our homes, be it a cup of water, a school snack, television set etc. that are connected to biodiversity. 

In the conduct of interviews and discussions many persons remarked, “biodiversity” what does that mean?  Biodiversity is everything that exists in nature and how well we exploit manage and preserve them.

Broom makers, Charcoal vendors, banana farmers, the fishermen are all users of biodiversity.  Those who purchase or use services, products/produce are also biodiversity users.

The work of the NBSAP has been very commendable but the bigger picture is dependent on the understanding and sensitivity of resource users.  How we conduct activities in our various communities will decide the fate of our land tomorrow.

The information gathered from questionnaires and documents reveals a rich reservoir of the island’s biodiversity.  The questionnaires were and are still being used to capture mainly undocumented information.

Some divers and Fishermen have even described the development as a plague and the feed back is that of  an alteration in the natural balance of life in the waters with the urchins making havoc of all sea weeds and algae on reefs and sea bed.

The Biological Diversity Program in St. Lucia has Published the Following:

Saint Lucia's Reptiles494.40 KBDownload
Enabling Activity Proposal in Biodiversity - Saint Lucia42.85 KBDownload
Biodiversity Awareness Survey Report437.99 KBDownload

Documents and Research Papers on Biological Diversity in Saint Lucia

A Review of Lichenology in St Lucia1.23 MBDownload
A Review of the SMMA - 1996 Paper77.50 KBDownload
A Special Focus on Biotrade - Business and Biodiversity Newsletter3.43 MBDownload
Adjusting to a New Way of Life :- Marine Management Areas and Fishers30.84 KBDownload
Agreement for Conducting Research in the Waters of Saint Lucia8.68 KBDownload
Analysis of the Knowledge, Attitude Practice (KAP) for the Vieux Fort Region199.95 KBDownload
Article on Cocoa (Chocolate) by LIAT3.48 MBDownload
Article on the Benefit of Marine Reserves in the Soufriere Marine Management Area9.50 KBDownload
Assessment of Latanye Mauby Producers in Saint Lucia779.83 KBDownload
Biodiversity Monitoring Report Procedures Manual330.30 KBDownload
Biodiversity Resources Review of Progress Made in Addressing Vulnerabilities of SIDS25.80 KBDownload
Biogeography of West Indian spiders433.90 KBDownload
BioNET Presentation; Prioritizing Taxonomy for Development and the CBD876.18 KBDownload
Biotrade846.97 KBDownload
Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei, Norops sagrei)179.07 KBDownload
Bush and Wildfire in St Lucia0.36 KBDownload
Bushfire Consultation Presentation - 27th June 20061.38 MBDownload
Caribbean Booklet on Geographic Indications2.18 MBDownload
Caribbean Sea Ecosystem Assessment: Executive Summary1.57 MBDownload
Case IV Biodiversity Protection from Economic Opportunities and Environment18.39 KBDownload
Case Study Benefit Sharing Arrangements - Mankote Mangrove52.66 KBDownload
CBD Brochure MainstreamingUnknownDownload
CBD South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity Newsletter2.16 MBDownload
CBD Technical Series No. 101.24 MBDownload
CBD Technical Series No. 252.67 MBDownload
CBD Technical Series No. 26; Biodiversity in EIA and SEA1.38 MBDownload
CITES Directory - Saint Lucia Contacts16.33 KBDownload
Coastal Capital of Saint Lucia and Tobago1,000.69 KBDownload
Coastal Wetlands and Sustainable Livelihoods20.19 KBDownload
Coastal Zone Management in Saint Lucia : Issues Paper79.35 KBDownload
Colloquium in Martinique on Plant Species Landscapes293.50 KBDownload
Conservation Action for Birds in Saint Lucia8.20 KBDownload
Conservation, Development and Societal Issues: A Few Illustrations from Saint Lucia94.93 KBDownload
Cuban Brown Anoles (Anolis sagrei) in St. Maarten2.11 MBDownload
Des Barras Case Study Saint Lucia Country Conference1.35 MBDownload
Development of a Sustainable Charcoal Industry in Saint Lucia1.82 MBDownload
Discovery of Anolis sagrei in Grenada with Comments on its Potential Impact on Native Anoles93.26 KBDownload
Ecological Survey Report for Medicinal Herbs in Saint Lucia3.00 MBDownload
Economic Opportunities Associated with the Environment in the OECS179.04 KBDownload
Economic Valuation in Developing Adaptation Policy to Climate Change in the Caribbean666.80 KBDownload
Ecosystem Services - A Guide for Decision Makers4.43 MBDownload
Effectiveness of ABS Policy and Legislative Instruments Survey68.61 KBDownload
Ernest Constructed Wetlands Report105.50 KBDownload
Excerpts from the Report on the Baseline Biodiversity Study of the Marine Area Adjacent to Gros Piton and Petit Piton: Anse LIvrogne to Malgretoute27.68 KBDownload
Exploring our Biodiversity for Food Security15.81 KBDownload
Extract from Saint Lucia National Climate Change Policy and Adaptation Plan for Biodiversity12.00 KBDownload
Fair Deals for Watershed Services in the Caribbean1.08 MBDownload
Farmers Behaviour and Development87.20 KBDownload
Fate of Agrochemicals in the Land-Water Interface on Saint Lucia72.22 KBDownload
Feral Pig Removal Hawaii Vegetation IAS178.43 KBDownload
Final Report for Biodiversity Management Improvement Project677.12 KBDownload
Fire Management Meeting - April 10th, 200662.50 KBDownload
Forest and Terrestrial Ecosystems Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation188.09 KBDownload
GEF Nature Heritage Tourism Analysis1.17 MBDownload
Gros-Desormeaux et al 2014 Behavioral observations on the White-breasted Thrasher - conservation implicationsUnknownDownload
Harvesting Regime in a Latanye Plantation117.61 KBDownload
History of Saint Lucia by H. Breen11.45 MBDownload
International Year of Biodiversity Symposium Report12.11 KBDownload
Latanye Mauby Project Poster Presentation at a CDB Meeting, Presented by Michael Andrew166.13 KBDownload
Linkages between Poverty and the Environment in the Caribbean4.66 MBDownload
Lionfish Papers Dutch Caribbean3.82 MBDownload
Minutes of Bushfire Consultation111.00 KBDownload
Mitigative Measures to Save the Saint Lucia White Breasted Thrasher84.82 KBDownload
Modellng the Impacts of Wildfire on Vegetation274.49 KBDownload
MRAG - Marine Resources & Fisheries Consultants Projects, Land Water Interface15.95 KBDownload
My Island - My Community 2010 Workshop Report 5.20 MBDownload
NCSA Final Report October 20071.97 MBDownload
Nestlé Accused of Biopiracy11.63 KBDownload
Overview of Protium attenuatum and l’ansan15.41 KBDownload
Policies and Institutions for Wetland Management in Saint Lucia - National Wetland Policy Consultation65.35 KBDownload
Protected Area Action Plan for Saint Lucia for CBD60.00 KBDownload
Report on Fate of Pesticides Agrochemicals in Saint Lucian Waters1.82 MBDownload
Report on the Breeding and Keeping of 8 Saint Lucia Amazons2.07 MBDownload
Revised OECS Environmental Management Strategy Document206.08 KBDownload
Riverbank Assessment Final Report 11.30 MBDownload
Saint Lucia Participating in Assessment of the Global Environment33.49 KBDownload
Saint Lucia in a World of Beetles and Other Insects2.25 MBDownload
Saint Lucia Letter of Appreciation from SCBD for Stamps51.91 KBDownload
Saint Lucia Mauritius Strategy of Implementation National Assessment Report1.75 MBDownload
Saint Lucia Migrant Birds Study - December 2004357.33 KBDownload
Saint Lucia ReefFix Exercise1.19 MBDownload
Saint Lucia's Endemic Birds439.27 KBDownload
Saint Lucia's Endemic Reptile Population68.39 KBDownload
Saving Our Tropical Dry Forests for Sustainable Development - Article for the Celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity 2006143.27 KBDownload
Scorpions from Saint Lucia732.05 KBDownload
Soufriere Marine Management Area (SMMA) Ecosystem Approach paper 20063.39 MBDownload
Survey on the Usage of Traditional Plant Derivatives in Saint Lucia60.51 KBDownload
Taxonomy in Action1.24 MBDownload
TEEB Information on Case Studies for Saint Lucia19.72 KBDownload
The Convention on Biological Diversity Year in Review 20114.04 MBDownload
The Debarras Sea Turtle Watch and Community -Based Management Initiative Moving Forward 9.04 KBDownload
The Latanye Broom Industry of Saint Lucia644.75 KBDownload
The On Farm Use of Agrcohemicals in Saint Lucia47.11 KBDownload
The Potential of Non-Timber Forest Products to Contribute to Rural Livelihood in the Windward Islands of the Caribbean136.37 KBDownload
The Role of Market Information Systems (MIS)163.84 KBDownload
The Saint Lucia Whiptail Lizard13.74 KBDownload
The White Breasted Thrasher14.78 KBDownload
Tools and Methods for Mainstreaming the EnvironmentUnknownDownload
Towards a Regional Agenda for Agrobiotechnology Research, Innovation and Industry in the Caribbean Region 381.28 KBDownload
Value of the Soufriere Fishery160.71 KBDownload
Valuing Saint Lucia’s Forest4.50 MBDownload
Wastewater Wetland Treatment System119.87 KBDownload
Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control113.00 KBDownload
Wetland Waste Water Treatment Plants as a Best Practice for Rural Settlements on Impervious and Semi Impervious Soils in Saint Lucia2.02 MBDownload
Wetlands Plant Report2.10 MBDownload
World Wide Views on Biodiversity2.71 MBDownload
WTO and Protection of Folklore and TK277.00 KBDownload

National Forest Demarcation & Bio-Physical Resource Inventory

A New Vegetation Classification3.06 MBDownload
A Survey of Wildlife use on Saint Lucia3.77 MBDownload
Annex III- TOR National Forest Demarcation and Bio-Physical Resource Inventory167.05 KBDownload
Annex IV Logical Framework52.75 KBDownload
Annex V - Workplan40.82 KBDownload
Biodiversity Assessment of Saint Lucia's Forests, With Management Recommendations3.52 MBDownload
Biological Inventory5.48 MBDownload
Classification of the Vegetation of Saint Lucia9.47 MBDownload
Forest Biometric Guidelines1.18 MBDownload
Forest Management Guidelines4.48 MBDownload
Interim Report I814.00 KBDownload
Interim Report II5.45 MBDownload
Interim Report III831.77 KBDownload
Management of Critical Species on Saint Lucia3.86 MBDownload
Plant Taxonomy of Saint Lucia8.14 MBDownload
Saint Lucia Bird Inventory1.63 MBDownload
Saint Lucia Permanent Sample Plot System527.14 KBDownload
The Mammals of Saint Lucia7.30 MBDownload
The National Forest Demarcation & Bio-Physical Resource Inventory Inception Report (Revised)458.81 KBDownload
The Saint Lucia Forest Management Information System1.02 MBDownload
The Status and Conservation of Forest Birds3.21 MBDownload
The Status and Management of Saint Lucia's Forest Reptiles and Amphibians5.00 MBDownload
Timber Inventory of Saint Lucia's Forests1.30 MBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 01 June 200946.44 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 05 May 200944.09 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 08 June 20099.01 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 11 May 200993.52 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 15 June 200948.39 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 18 May 200952.35 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 22 June 200955.65 KBDownload
Update on Insect Project - 25 May 2009316.50 KBDownload

National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Fourth National Report2.97 MBDownload
First Regular National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety106.28 KBDownload
First National Report560.03 KBDownload
Third National Report1.04 MBDownload
Second National Report30.84 KBDownload

Biodiversity Legislation

Biodiversity Report on Draft Legislation Workshops39.00 KBDownload
Saint Lucia's Component of PERB Project11.18 KBDownload
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Regulations231.00 KBDownload
Biodiversity Consultations Report on Draft Legislation38.50 KBDownload

Biodiversity Research Agreements

Memorandum of Understanding for Conducting Research for Spiders in Saint Lucia46.00 KBDownload
Agreement with Insect Collector26.00 KBDownload
Biodiversity Unit of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy,
Science and Technology | Choc, Castries, Saint Lucia
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