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Biodiversity News

  • Pyeongchang/Montreal 6 October 2014 –Under the theme, “Biodiversity for Sustainable 
    Development,” thousands of representatives of governments, NGOs, indigenous peoples, 
    scientists and the private sector gathered in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea for the 12
    meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity(COP 12) 
    Between 6 and 17 October 2014, Parties will agree on steps to accelerate the 
    implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity 
    Targets, which are to be achieved by the end of this, the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. 
    The results of Global Biodiversity Outlook 4, the flagship assessment report of the CBD will 
    inform the discussions. 
    The collection of decisions to be taken at COP 12 is already being referred to as the 
    “Pyeongchang Road Map” and is expected to include aresource mobilization strategy expected 
    to substantially increase the resources available for biodiversity conservation and sustainable 
    The discussions by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity also take place in the 
    context of negotiations of proposed Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 
    development agenda, currently underway at the United Nations. 
    The ground-breaking agreement on access to and use of genetic resources, the Nagoya 
    Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising 
    from their Utilization will enter into force duringthe meeting, and governments will hold its first 
    Meeting of the Parties (COP-MOP 1), from 13 -17 October 2013. The Nagoya Protocol aims to 
    create new incentives to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and further enhance the 
    contribution of biodiversity to sustainable development. 
    At today’s opening Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, United Nations Assistant-SecretaryGeneral and Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, said “the decisions 
    forming the Pyeongchang Roadmap are expected to provide for further tools and guidance, 
    where necessary, to assist the further implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 
    2011-2020 and achievement of its Aichi BiodiversityTargets as well as for further capacitybuilding, enhancement of technical and scientific cooperation and other initiatives and 
    measures regarding resource mobilization and the financial mechanism.” 
    Yoon Seong-kyu, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Korea said: “Korea will propose 
    and pursue ‘Bio Bridge Initiative’ to promote scientific and technological cooperation as a main 
    method to smoothly draw and put forward the PyeongChang Roadmap. The Bio Bridge 
    Initiative will serve as a platform to link developing countries’ demand for science and 
    technology to developed countries’ excellent scientific technology, enhancing cooperation in 
    the international community for the achievement of the CBD targets.” 
    UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, said, " There has 
    been increased financial investment and policy action to protect biodiversity, yet, studies show 
    that it will be difficult to reach the full set of the Aichi targets if we remain within the current 
    trajectory, due to accumulated and increased pressures on the natural world." 
    "COP 12 provides a critical opportunity to inject renewed impetus into our commitment to 
    the Aichi Targets - which remain within reach - andto shape the Sustainable Development Goals 
    by revisiting national strategies and plans. With the progress made so far, it is clear that 
    plausible pathways exist to build momentum, strengthen political will and take decisive 
    measures to stay on track. We need to do more - anddo it fast - to protect the very fabric of the 
    natural world." 
    Hem Pande, representing the Government of India which holds the COP 11 presidency, said 
    “This Conference is significant in the context of adopting final targets for mobilizing resources 
    for implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 following the roadmap agreed to 
    in Hyderabad as well as for the mid-term review of implementation of this Plan. It is gratifying to 
    note that the strategic plan is being considered asan important basis of action and 
    implementation for the post-2015 development agenda, and proposed Sustainable 
    Development Goals. Delaying action on adopting final targets for resource mobilisation would 
    not only limit our choices for cost-effective action, but also jeopardize timely achievement of 
    the Aichi Targets, thereby adversely impacting sustainable development.” 
    Governments will take their decisions at COP 12 on the basis of the results of the global 
    assessment on biodiversity entitled Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 (GBO-4). Released today, 
    GBO4 provides an assessment report on progress towards meeting the Aichi Biodiversity 
    Targets, and suggests additional actions required to implement the Strategic Plan for 
    Biodiversity. GBO4 says that while the Aichi Biodiversity Targets are still within our reach, 
    substantially greater efforts are required. Success will contribute to the global sustainable 
    development agenda including addressing food and water security, climate change, land 
    degradation and others. 
    COP 12 will identify ways to mobilize financial andhuman resources necessary to achieve 
    the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The COP will consider adopting final targets for resource 
    mobilization following-up on the preliminary targets agreed at COP 11, including the possible 
    addition of a target for related to domestic resource mobilization. These discussions will be 
    based on the report of the high-level panel on global resource assessment and a global 
    monitoring report prepared by the CBD Secretariat. The COP will also discuss the extension of 
    the strategy for resource mobilization beyond 2015,including the adoption of concrete and 
    effective actions, including biodiversity financingmechanisms and possible safeguards, and the 
    establishment of a robust financial reporting framework. 
    The two week-long meeting of the COP will also see substantial discussions on issues related 
    to the biodiversity of the oceans of the world. This will include: 
    -  Results of seven regional workshops to facilitate the description of ecologically or 
    biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs); 
    -  A new set of priority actions to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 10 for coral reefs and 
    closely associated ecosystems, which provides guidance to Parties in taking actions to 
    minimize pressures on coral reefs and associated vulnerable ecosystems; 
    -  A new CBD Technical Series report presenting a major global synthesis of knowledge on 
    the impacts of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity; 
    -  Results of an expert workshop on underwater noise, which provides guidance to Parties 
    in implementing measures to minimize the significant adverse impacts of anthropogenic 
    underwater noise on marine biodiversity; 
    -  Capacity building, including activities conducted in the framework of the Sustainable 
    Ocean Initiative (SOI) which will be further highlighted at a high-level meeting to be held 
    during COP 12; 
    COP 12 will consider new global guidance to addressthe issue of invasive alien species 
    introduced as pets, aquarium and terrarium species,and as live bait and live food, noting that 
    their escapes are a major cause of spread of invasive alien species. The COP will also consider 
    the future work of Parties and the Secretariat and how to make progress on policy development 
    and national and regional implementation to addressinvasive alien species in the future. 
    Parties will consider decisions relating to Traditional Knowledge and customary practices, in 
    the context of Article 8(j) of the Convention, including on indicators relevant to traditional 
    knowledge and customary sustainable use; a draft global plan of action on customary 
    sustainable use of biological diversity, and mechanisms to promote the effective participation of 
    indigenous and local communities in the work of theConvention. 
    Other topics for which decisions are expected include climate change and biodiversity, 
    ecosystem conservation and restoration, synthetic biology, the Clearinghouse Mechanism 
    (CHM) and others. 
    COP 12 will also see the historical entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to 
    Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization 
    on 12 October 2014, following its ratification by 50 States, plus the European Union, and the 
    first meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the 
    Protocol (COP-MOP 1), beginning on 13 October 2014.
    COP-MOP 1 will discuss a number of issues related to the entry into force of the Protocol 
    including: the access and benefit-sharing clearing-house (ABS-CH); model contractual clauses; 
    voluntary codes of conduct; awareness-raising; theneed for and modalities of a global 
    multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism; cooperativeprocedures and institutional mechanisms 
    to promote compliance and to address cases of non-compliance; guidance on resource 
    mobilization for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol; and guidance to the financial 
    Linked to the theme of biodiversity for sustainabledevelopment, the meeting will consider a 
    decision on the ways that biodiversity can contribute to poverty eradication and sustainable 
    development. The decision draws upon the outcomes of the second meeting of the Expert 
    Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development, which took place in Chennai, 
    India, from 4 to 6 December 2013. 
    These discussions on biodiversity for sustainable development will reflect and be reflected in 
    the high level segment which will take place on 15 and 16 October 2014. Over 100 ministers 
    and high level representatives will hold panel discussions on integrating biodiversity into the 
    sustainable development agenda at national and international levels; integrating NBSAPs into 
    national and local development and poverty eradication strategies and planning processes; 
    nature based solutions for global challenges; and Biodiversity, Climate change and the creative 
    Special sessions on Peace and Biodiversity and the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) will also 
    be held, along with an innovative series of press panels where ministers will comment on their 
    initiatives in support of sustainable development 
    In addition to the negotiations, COP 12 will also include an extensive programme of parallel 
    events which will mobilise and engage partners and stakeholders for implementation of the CBD 
    such as: 
    -  A three-day series of business engagement events including a High-Level Segment, a 
    business and biodiversity workshop, a meeting of the Global Partnership for Business 
    and Biodiversity, and several media/launch events including a meeting on biotrade, co-
    convened with UNCTAD, and discussions on tourism, commodities and the Global 
    -  A Biodiversity Summit for Cities and Subnational Governments, convened in parallel with 
    the COP, for the fourth time, from 12 to 14 October. It is expected to attract about 500 
    participants, including mayors and governors, from around the world. The Summit’s 
    focus is on cooperative governance for biodiversity, and the various panels featured over 
    the two days of the meeting will also include representatives of national government, 
    organizations and academia. 
    -  An extensive programme of side events organised by the Secretariat and Parties, other 
    organizations and civil society, which deal with issues in implementation for the 
    -  A fair of best practices in Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA fair), 
    that will discuss the Implementation of Target 1, and the United Nations Decade on 
    -  The Rio Conventions Pavilion, an outreach activity to communicate the benefits of 
    coordinated implementation of the UNFCCC, UNCCD andCBD, will also be held during 
    the meeting.
    What and When:
    -  Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties tothe Convention on Biological 
    Diversity (COP 12) 6 to 17 October 2014 
    -  First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to 
    the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing 
    of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (COP-MOP1) 13 to 17 October 2014 
    Where:  Alpensia Convention Centre, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea 
    Meeting documents:
    Press  briefs:  Press  briefs  on  pertinent  issues  being  discussed  available  at:
    Press conferences and Press Briefings:  CBD Secretariat will hold daily press briefings on  issues 
    to be covered COP 12 in the Alpensia Convention Centre at 9 a.m. every day. The Schedule of 
    Press Conferences can be found at:
    Earth Negotiations Bulletin:Event coverage is available at
    For additional information: please contact David Ainsworth on +82 (0)10 2149 0526 until 17 
    October 2014 or at or Johan Hedlund on +1 514 287 6670 or at; 

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Biodiversity Unit of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy,
Science and Technology | Choc, Castries, Saint Lucia
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