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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Saint Lucia National Biodiversity

Saint Lucia's biological resources are part of its capital for development, and the health of the country's economy, especially in agriculture, tourism, and fisheries, is intimately tied to the health of its environment. These resources also form an intimate part of the country's natural and cultural heritage. Saint Lucia, as all countries of the world, must therefore fashion its own strategy -- reflecting its unique social, economic, and environmental conditions to use sustainably and conserve its biological wealth.
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Biodiversity News

PARROTFISH eat algae and seaweed. These brightly colored fish with beaklike mouths inhabit coral reefs, the wellsprings of ocean life. Without them and other herbivores, algae and seaweed would overgrow the reefs, suppress coral growth and threaten the incredible array of life that depends on these reefs for shelter and food.

This was happening in Bermuda, until the government in 1990 banned fish traps that were decimating the parrotfish population. Today, Bermuda's coral reefs are relatively healthy, a bright spot in the wider Caribbean, where total coral cover has declined by half since 1970.

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Biodiversity Unit of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy,
Science and Technology | Choc, Castries, Saint Lucia
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